Saturday, September 22, 2007

Harry, Harry and more Harry...

Here is the assignment for my first week at school. Done for character design. I've drawn this little guy pretty much all through my school career, and quite frankly, he's becoming a bit of a pill. I've never actually seen the show, Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, but I can imagine it's probably on par with watching paint dry, as the saying goes...I don't have the patience to be witty right now.

In any case, this first one is a turnaround, the second a series of poses we were to do, and my personal favourite, the third one. Harry. Hanging from a fishing line. Not. Living.

Well, that's the end of that horrid post. Tune in next time...


Saturday, September 8, 2007

More Classroom work...

More pictures photoshoped by me. Again, I did not draw these pictures. They were provided by my teacher, and I'm told they were actual backgrounds for various tv shows. My favourite is the frat house. There's more 'frat' than 'house' on those walls, let me tell you!

Well, anyway, back to doin' stuff. We'll talk to you later! Adios!


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 secret picture...

Here's a picture I did earlier this in before the summer 'officially' started. It was for a company that wanted to run a comic character. I never heard back from them. I think if you look at the picture, the 'whys' and 'hows' will automatically be answered. You see? I'd never leave you in the dark. And this is the page that I decided to show you. Just imagine the ones I held back...on second thought. Don't imagine them. Save yourself the headache. And if you have to, imagine that they are amazingly better than this one.

I like the method of passing off food the character is using in the first panel. As the squiggly black lines indicate, the best way to convince a person to try some new food, assuming at first they reject your offer, is to shake said food product in their face, as if the sudden proof that the object is mobile will do the job your initial offer couldn't. It helps to through in some, "H'uh? H'uh?"s, for effect. Give it a try. See what happens.
