Sunday, June 25, 2006

Character development

I've recently started up summer classes, taking cartooning. Seems I didn't do so well in this class the first time around (obviously), so I gotta take this class. So far I've really been enjoying it! I've been making some slow progress already, and the class just started.

The assignment was to make several different characters, who had to fit into certain age groups, and look like it. For this, I had to make a small girl, between the ages of 5-7. Here are the colours. I'm not happy with them, but that's not too big of a deal. I didn't spend too long on it. Just wanted to keep working with Photoshop as much as I can (which isn't a lot. Busy summer schedule).

Here's what I started with. Pretty Standard. I'm working on using fewer lines. Trying to get what I want on the first go, without going over and over the, trying to 'find' the line I want. Slowly getting better

And there's the 'clean up' lines. Not too clean, but again, I'm slowly improving. I guess the real test will be when I show these to my teacher. I'll let you know....maybe


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I'm actually kind of excited about this post. 'Cause I'm kinda almost semi happy with the results, at least as far as almost first time colour jobs go....this is actually my very first picture that I'd say is pretty much complete, although it's not really, cause it's only single tone at this point, but non-the-less, I like it! I did the background sky on the first try, and was happy with the results. I'm really starting to have fun fiddling around with PhotoShop! I can't wait to get my Wacom tablet! Of course, the picture is flawed (I had to drastically change this guys left wing cause it was too long, among other things) but I hope I'm on the right track. Hope you enjoy!
