Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A token of my esteem; Simple tripe!

I hope that perhaps my picture will explain to you where I have been, and why I was unable to make new posts. As you can see, I was incarcerated. Yes, framed, really. Sit back, and I shall tell you a story. I warn you, this tale is not for the faint of heart, or the ugly of face. It was three days after my last post. Sept. the second. That fateful day will forever be burned into my memory as the day my life changed for all time. It was a day of murder, drug peddling, bologne, and several shades of grey.....okay. Okay. I admit it. There was no framing. No murder. No bologne. The reason I haven't been posting is cause I'm a lazy, lazy man. Rather, an unmotived one. BUT! That will change!......I hope. Meh. I'm really just posting cause I didn't know how long it was till blogger'd shut me down. Anyway, to the future......or more posting......on my part.


Post Script: The picture above was actually taken three years ago at Capernway Harbour Bible Center. I tell ya. Ya do some crazy things at Bible school. And what happens at Bible school, stays and Bible school!


Anonymous said...

haha you look like a scary inmate. Jail-Bird should be your nickname..

Anna said...

That is a hilarious post. I love the..."what happens in Bible school, stays at Bible school:...

Man if those walls could talk...what would they say?