Friday, February 9, 2007

Behold, my comic book mediocrity!

Well, lately I've been applying to get a comic book illustration job. Not working for Marvel or anything, but it looks like a cool job anyway. It's for a sports consultant agency. Anyway, I'm not sure how much I can talk about on here, but I can show some of the pictures. Again, I don't know if I can show the entire sample page I did for them, but here's one of the uncoloured panels, my attempt at comic book illustration.
I've been using (stealing) techniques mainly from two artists whose work I love. Both their styles work so well for this project. I hope they don't mind my totally making a mess of their styles. The first is Robin Mitchell, who has an awesome style. Lately he's been posting his own creator comic on his blog (which I can't wait to get ahold of), and from what I can gather, he has a unique way of creating pages based mostly on drawing each panel out, scanning it in, and compiling the page on the computer. That's what it looks like to me, so I've used that method, which turns out is really nice. I can just thumbnail the entire page, then work out the panels individually, in whatever size I want on printer paper and scan it in and reduce it to the size I need.
The second artist is Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. I'm using his colouring style, which I'm in no way doing justice to, for either of them. Both artists are linked, so you should check them out.

And here is the previously posted image of the hulk celebrating my blog-iversary. I just like this one, so I thought I'd post the pencils. Keep your stick on the ice!


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