Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Awesome Weekend!

Wow! Two posts in one day! Even I'm impressed with myself. But I just had to give a little blurb about Winter Retreat. I go to Wednesday night College and Careers at my church, Peoples church and this past weekend we went up Perry Sound way for a little get away. The time included getting to know new people from two other churches in Toronto, and getting to know others in the group better. As the photos show, a good time was had by all.
Better still, we had awesome opportunities to connect with God, through dedicated speakers, and the ministering of a group of very musically talented young guys. And Saturday night was an emotionally charged meeting that had more than one person attending in tears of joy for our Glorious Saviour.
As I mentioned above, I'm including just a few pictures I got from another attendee. Hope you enjoy....and no making fun of me. I'm very sensitive!

Character Design

So, for one of my classes, Cartooning, we have to select two figures, one male and one female, and make them into two different stereotypical groups. The choices consist of oil barron, hockey player, professor, model, truck stop waitress, etc. I think I did pretty good at making them stereotypical, so I don't feel it nessessary to mention which ones which. As usual with me, the hands are messed up, and I need to work on something my teachers keep referring to as 'Line control'.....I'll get back to you when I've figured that one out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Here's a sketch I did last night. It started out as just a warm up, but I decided to put it through Photoshop, in my eternal effort to figure the program out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you had a great day! Sorry this picture came so close to the end of it! I kind of thought of it at the last minute. This is pretty much my VERY FIRST attempt at colouring on the computer, so forgive the crudeness of it. I was pretty much just playing around. It took me about twenty minutes to draw the picture, and about an hour to try to figure out how the heck to use Photoshop. Well, until next time (oh, did you notice the Rupert here has legs in this picture? I told you to watch out for him!).

Monday, February 13, 2006

Rupert Returns!

The question has been posed to me. "Why does Rupert Fridolin (pronounced as Fredolin)," the picture of that happy go lucky fellow I posted a few weeks ago, "have no legs?" Well, when I drew and posted it, the question never even dawned on me. "It's just....well....it's art!" And that, my friends, is an answer I can not stand in the least. For art, in my humble opinion, should never be without reason. It is the source of communication of ideas from one head to a group of heads. Every line, or every piece of clay, or evey twist of bronze, every note, must have meaning! That said, watch out for the return of Rupert Fridolin (pronounced as Fredolin) in the near future. His return willl be of triumph, as he brandishes a pair of glorious NEW LEGS!.....and maybe I'll do something about his back before he throws it out. It's just gotta be painful standing like that....especially without any legs.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The dream!

It's the way it always is with me. I try something, I aim for it, I go for it on my own strength, and I fail. Anybody ever have that - feel that? This my life that I'm talking about. You ever want something? You want to become a famous....something. Someone. Be the best at graphic design, or accountant, or any number of things, but it's not the most important thing to you? You'd rather just sit back, read a book, hang out with friends, anything other than work hard all day everyday to train to do whatever it is you want to do for a living.

That's me all over. I personally don't think it's a good thing to have no life outside of work, and think it's actually very beneficial to your job to have interests and hobbies, but there is going to be a certain amount of work needed to succeed in anything you do. I'm writing this mainly for myself, 'cause I'm not even sure it there's another human being on the planet that goes through this kind of thing. I don't even know how to describe what my problem is. Probably a lack of motivation, a lack of true desire.

If there is anyone out there like me, or even if there isn't, I'll write it for myself. God can help! But you have to be the one to let Him. How do I mean? Give your life to Him, daily. Again, what the heck does that mean? I can say, "I give my life to You, God!" And that doesn't mean a thing. I'm not giving over control of my body. He doesn't possess me, and walk around and talk and act for me! So what does it mean to give your life to God? Day by day, minute by minute, whenever you feel you don't have the answers, don't know what to do, feel yourself slipping, say to Him, "Lord, I can't do it on my own. I need You - I need your spirit - to guide me, to take over my life and give me wisdom, now, right this moment." And this isn't a one time prayer. It needs to be a minute by minute thing.

And this 'solution' - which isn't a garantee from me to cure all your problems UNLESS you enter into this agreement with God with the right heart. You can't just say magic words and all is well - applies to every problem in your life. And in mine.

So all that to say, I don't have any pictures to post this time around, but with God's help, I'll overcome my laziness, and start pumping out pictures like crazy. All to His glory....in theory. I'm still working on that one, too.