Awesome Weekend!
Wow! Two posts in one day! Even I'm impressed with myself. But I just had to give a little blurb about Winter Retreat. I go to Wednesday night College and Careers at my church, Peoples church and this past weekend we went up Perry Sound way for a little get away. The time included getting to know new people from two other churches in Toronto, and getting to know others in the group better. As the photos show, a good time was had by all.
Better still, we had awesome opportunities to connect with God, through dedicated speakers, and the ministering of a group of very musically talented young guys. And Saturday night was an emotionally charged meeting that had more than one person attending in tears of joy for our Glorious Saviour.
As I mentioned above, I'm including just a few pictures I got from another attendee. Hope you enjoy....and no making fun of me. I'm very sensitive!
oooo who's that hot chick in the first pic!?
That hot chick just happens to be my friend, Justin, and I don't appreciate whoever you are talking about him like that!
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