Friday, March 3, 2006

Red pencil Rhapsody!

Ahhhh! I love finding things that work for me. It's like discovering a whole new world.....a new fantastic place to I went out and bought myself a red pencil, forsaking my old, waxy blue pencil, and I couldn't be happier...well, I guess I could, but not much. Not without some kind of chip dip....and chips.
It's amazing how much you can improve if you just draw. Far from perfect, this picture still shows improvements on my last attempt at drawing this buff figure here. Improvements can be seen - and these are only improvements by comparison - in the feet, and hands. Also, I was able to give a 3/4 view of this guy, something I was unable to do the first around. I'm still having trouble figuring out what this guy would look like from a front view, though. This chin would seem to cover most of this mouth, if not all, and that's not good. I'll work at it, and keep ya posted. Still havin' trouble with this 'line control'

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